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There is no denying that barbell curls are…The undisputed champion exercise for building bigger biceps. BUT…What happens if you get wrist pain when doing them? Suddenly they’re not so great! See what to do about it here

As a physical therapist and strength coach I actually see this a lot. And not just with curls. Watch the “cause of pain” in action here.

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You do an exercise…You feel pain…You compensate in order to do the lift…The pain worsens. You get less than stellar results.

You may even redirect stress somewhere else and start causing a break down there too! It’s far too common how things go with most guys working out. Doesn’t have to be that way though.

Let’s take this one example and try to start changing that!



P.S. Wish I could be your personal PT/Strength Coach and coach you through every workout? I’m ready if you are. Let me train you like a pro…it starts today.

Click here to train like an athlete with me

P.P.S. If that “cycle of pain” example I just laid out sounds like you, you can’t let it go on (not if you want to stop seeing your muscle gains compromised). Start seeing more gains from training in less pain.

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