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Now obviously I’m not clairvoyant and I don’t know what your current body fat is…

BUT If you aren’t exactly where you want to be right now…


Too many people will bullsh*t you when it comes to this. Not me.

Why You’re Not Ripped (HONEST TRUTH!) Click here to hear it first hand – No B.S.

workout-plan-to-burn-fat-and-build-muscleI hope at the very least that you come away with something from this video. In fact… I hope you find a fire inside to do something about it! Change starts with you, and, it starts today!



P.S. I never ask you to do anything that I haven’t done myself or that hasn’t worked for so many others. My X-Factor Meal Plan and workouts are exactly what allows me to deliver the message in this video to you 365 days a year. Period.

Get my exactly meal plans and workouts here
(Get Ripped / Stay Ripped 365 Days a Year)

P.P.S. When a program is designed properly it not only gives you short term results…but it keeps delivering month after month, year after year. Here’s just one example of the type of results I expect from guys following my program.

ATHLEAN-X user James Lemaster






ATHLEAN-X user James Lemaster continuing to get results month after month
Click here to get consistent results from your workout and nutrition starting now