Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

One thing I’ll never be confused with is a gourmet chef! Somehow, I have a feeling that you may be in the same boat too. And that’s fine.

BUT…this doesn’t mean that you can’t eat meals that actually taste good AND help you to build muscle! Believe me…with the busy lifestyle that I lead, I simply don’t have the time to start whipping together three course meals.

I do have 6 minutes though!

deluxe dinnersAnd as long as you do too… then dinner just got a whole lot easier…and tastier! See exactly what I eat for dinner!

Oh and did I forget to mention… your dinner portions just got a whole lot bigger again! Forget the starvation tactics to lose weight. They’ll never allow you to build muscle and you’ll wind up looking like that “skinny fat guy”.

Instead, take a sneak peak at the AthLEAN X-Factor Meal Plans and see how this is anything BUT a “food restriction” plan. After watching this video you’ll see that it’s more like a “food rejoicing” plan! No more need for carb phobia! No more leaving the table hungry! No more bland food options! Dinner just got good again!

Be back later this week with one heck of a unique workout….

I KNOW you’ve NEVER seen one like this before!

Stay strong,


PS. This is literally how much I eat each and every single night…and still have a bodyfat in the 3-4% range!