Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Why does it seem like every Hollywood actor can just add 10,20, or even 30 pounds of muscle at will…While, the majority of us would be thrilled to be able to put on just a fraction of that?!? The answer is in HOW they train.

Matt Damon showed off his ripped physique as he plays a rugby player in “INVICTUS”. Well, I’m here to tell you…you DON’T have to be a rugby player OR a Hollywood actor to get a better body.

invictus workoutNope. You just have to train the right way.

Let me show you how I have gotten some of the greatest athletes and celebrities in the best shape of their lives using some easy to follow but often overlooked principles that NEED to be a focus of your program…

If you want to add muscle LIKE the stars do get AthLEAN-X!

Or just have people confuse you with a celebrity! Hey…you never know. These days, it might even get you into a White House cocktail party!

Stay strong,


PS. Learn how to train the right way and get in the best shape of your life with AthLEAN-X!