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Wow…where is the Summer going? With only a couple days left in July we’re heading closer and closer to the “dog days” of August.

The problem is…If you’re like most guys, ever since the end of June or start of July you may have started “dogging” on your workouts!  If so…That Ends Today!


8 min summer workoutjolt insane 8 min workoutAdmit it. Back in March, April and May you were dedicated to your workouts…looking forward to showing up at the Summer BBQ, pool party, family vacation looking better than you have in years. You never missed a workout.

BUT THEN…You slipped. Stopped caring about what you were eating. Started working out once or twice a week at most. And your physique reflects that now.

But all is not lost…you can still look great in the next few weeks. ATHLEAN-X IS YOUR “GET BACK IN THE GROOVE” PLAN

Here’s the thing. Getting back on the wagon doesn’t have to seem as daunting as you may think. Workouts not only DON’T have to be long they SHOULD NOT be long (if you want fast results). Eating to get ripped should never revolve around deprivation tactics (since they never work long term).

This is why ATHLEAN-X has become so successful as the “go-to” program for guys that have become fed up with how they look, but just haven’t been able to find the commitment or time available to do anything about it.

It revolves around the fact that the training is – FAST – EFFECTIVE – BASED ON MUSCLE SCIENCE and nutrition that is – EASY TO FOLLOW – FULL OF CHOICES – NOT BASED ON DEPRIVATION

See for yourself and join “TEAM ATHLEAN” It’s time to put that “JOLT!” back into your enthusiasm for working out. And it starts now!



VERY IMPORTANT PS. Why do a lot of other guys stop working out in June and especially July? I’ll tell you why. Because they figure that anyone who was going to see them with their shirt off and perhaps be critical or pass judgement has ALREADY done so by now. No use wasting time spending time working out when they can at least try to enjoy what’s left of the Summer.

Please tell me that’s NOT you.

Especially when that thinking is so wrong.

You CAN start getting noticeable results even in time for the end of August and Labor Day (here in the States) get togethers and won’t have to sacrifice your Summer to do it (since all workouts can be done in less than 40 minutes max!)

START TODAY!  Shorten your workouts and speed up the rate of the results you’ll see with the ATHLEAN-X Training Program