Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

“Inner Chest, Outer Chest Upper Chest, Lower Chest…” Perhaps no muscle group in the body is broken down, isolated, and obsessed about more than the chest.

And even though it sounds like the start of a Dr. Seuss book, it’s actually not completely without merit. Let me explain…you see…when muscles contract they do so following the “ALL OR NONE” principle…which means that it either contracts or it doesn’t, there is no “sorta” here!

3d pec exercisesThe pecs are no different. Again, like all muscles, their contraction is controlled by nerve impulses. However, in the case of the pecs, the muscle actually receives innervation to two distinct areas of the chest (the portions connecting at the collarbone and those attaching to the sternum).

Combine that with the varying orientation of the pec muscle fibers and it becomes obvious that hitting the muscle from various angles is NEEDED to complete your chest development.

Again, this is NOT to say that you can ISOLATE different areas of your chest muscle! Remember, you contract it from any position and the WHOLE pec muscle is contracting.

BUT….you can overload certain areas by once again, taking advantage of muscle fiber orientation and nerve innervation to more effectively “bring up” either the upper or middle/lower lagging areas!

***KEY POINT*** The End of One Dimensional Training is HERE!

That said…you’ll be able to do all of this MUCH FASTER and MUCH MORE EFFICIENTLY if you incorporate “ATHLETIC STRENGTH TRAINING”exercises like the OVER “X” Press that I feature in this week’s video.

By incorporating 3-Dimensional exercises:

– Movement in the Sagittal Plane

– Movement in the Frontal Plane

– Including the almost ALWAYS OVERLOOKED Rotation!!

and adding in the ultra-important ATHLEAN Priniciples of:

– Ground Based Training

– Multiple Muscle InteraXion(TM) and

– “Core in every exercise”!!

The ATHLEAN-X 90 Day Workout System gives you a step by step plan for adding ripped, lean muscle to not only your chest but your entire body using 3-D Exercises just like this in EACH AND EVERY WORKOUT.

I say it all the time…“If YOU want to look like and athlete, you’ve got to train like an athlete”. Put an end to your one dimensional exercises and workouts starting with this week’s exercise and get “ATHLEAN”!



PS. “3-Dimensional Training” is what today’s elite pro athletes are using! Not only are they performing better than ever because of it’s deep roots in functional training, but they’re looking better than ever due to the accelerated gains that training this way provides. Trust me…this is the way you’ll want to be training in 2012 and beyond.

Start “3-D Training” with ATHLEAN-X!