Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I can’t stand when I see a supposedly good “ab workout”…that well…never has you standing! Huh? That’s right…ab exercises done ON YOUR FEET!

In Part 2 of my “Bulletproof Your Body” with AthLEAN-X series I help you to bulletproof that core by integrating a LOT more than just your abs into the mix!

bulletproof absThe result? Ab development you simply can’t get from doing the same old tired ab routines you’ve been following (or worse…haven’t been following anything at all)!

As I mentioned last week, you can either train long or you can train hard…but you can’t do them both effectively. The best part is…with AthLEAN-X you don’t need to!

Start seeing how 3-5 intense but quick 20-40 minute workouts per week can not only accelerate your muscle building and fat loss efforts…but BULLETPROOF YOUR BODY at the same time allowing you to train injury free and recover faster than you ever have before.

Faster Recovery = No Plateaus = 100% Results! GET ATHLEAN-X TODAY

Back next time to address the most commonly injured muscle in the body!

Stay Strong…


PS. Let’s try something cool for this week. If you like this video….click ‘SHARE’ and let your Facebook friends know! Do them both and I’ll do a live Q&A on Facebook to answer your AthLEAN-X training questions this week!

PPS. What’s that? You’re not doing the AthLEAN-X program yet? See what “Bulletproof” Training is all about and how much it can do for you in just 90 days.