Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Ask most people what the “core” is and you’re likely to hear…”It’s another name for the abs.” That would be WRONG!

Whether you’re training for aesthetics (fancy word for looking great at the beach!)  OR…Athletics (I have pro athletes from every major sport doing the same exercises I’m showing you here!)   You have to STOP overlooking this small but important muscle if you want a truly ripped midsection.  3 Serratus Shredders: There’s more to the “core” than you think!

serratus-shredders-ytRemember….Muscle work together.  They help each other do their jobs BETTER.  If your workouts aren’t reinforcing this, you are more than certainly missing out on much more significant…and faster gains!

Unlock your muscles potential – Train like and athlete for the next 90 days!

Meantime, as always my friend, have a great rest of your weekend. Get out and have some fun.



P.S. My film crew told me that they thought this might be my best video yet. As soon as the cameras went off, they said almost all at once…”I never even thought of that!” I love when I can make those kind of videos!

==> Get a whole program full of information and workouts that will make you think much differently about how you train (and start seeing much faster results because of it!)

P.P.S. Last few days to get the “Sweat 16” Ultimate Fat Burning Workout included FREE with your purchase of the ATHLEAN-X Training System! You’ll be sorry if you miss this one…it’s that good.

Get ATHLEAN-X (plus the “Sweat 16” workout) Now