Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Pullups are pretty much the undisputed king of upper body exercises.

They hit your arms, back and core… HARD!

Regardless of how many reps you can do of them right now (even if it’s zero)

This video is for YOU! 16 Crazy Pullup Variations (or how to do your first one ever!)

The key to pullups is progression. Do what you can and build off of that. Keep them challenging and you’ll keep the gains coming week after week!

16 Pullups to Choose From (How Many Can You Do?)

16-pullup-variations-for-a-big-back-ytLet the pullups begin! Remember… Even if you can’t do a single clean rep right now, I’ve got you covered in this video. Challenge your friends to see how many of these they can do.



P.S. One of the biggest strengths of the ATHLEAN-X program is its ability to help build incredible pullup strength by the time you’re done with the 90 days. That’s just a side effect! It goes along with the ripped, athletic body it’s meant to help you build. Build 100% ripped athletic muscle and increase your pullups here!