Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Quick… “What’s the most commonly injured muscle in the body?”

If you answered hamstrings it’s because you either heard this before or most likely…have injured it yourself at some point!

The real question is…WHY

bulletproof hamstringsWith the hamstrings responsible for decelerating the body during running, elevation during jumping, and even getting your abs to fire more during ab work (crazy but very true!!)…it’s obvious they have a hugely important role to not only the seasoned athlete, but basically ANYONE looking to build athletic explosive muscle!

BUT….99% of everyone training their hamstrings are DOING IT WRONG! And not only is it leading to frustration as the results don’t come…but it’s also leading to injury!

Are you one of the many who’ve injured your hamstrings in the past only to have it nag at you for a long time? Do you think this could be holding back your overall leg development and strength? (What makes this even worse is…you might not even realize how much!)

Are you tired of your workout program making you feel run down and WORSE than before you started it?!? Then it’s time to “BULLETPROOF your BODY” With AthLEAN-X

See how training with exercises just like the one in this week’s video can not only keep you healthy and in the gym…but STOP you from feeling like you just got hit by the “Overtraining Bus”!!

It’s what puts AthLEAN-X in a class of it’s own and has led to tens of thousands of “TEAM ATHLEAN” members shouting it’s praises. JOIN THE TEAM TODAY!

Get “AthLEAN” and in the next 90 days you’ll see what it’s like to finally build muscle and burn fat at the SAME TIME!

Stay Strong…
