Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Do you ever find yourself trying to decide whether it’s worth it to hit the gym…if you’re running behind schedule and you’ve only got 20-30 minutes to workout?

You know…either throw up your hands and say “I don’t have enough time to get in a good workout, so I’ll just head home” OR…You get creative, utilize what I call “MUSCLE FIRE FUSION” and get an insane workout in in half the time it normally takes you!

combo row muscle fire fusionCheck Out “MFF” at its Best with this one insane Shoulder and Back Combo Exercise! Muscle Fire Fusion takes advantage of the way that specific muscles are SUPPOSED to work….together!

If you haven’t been incorporating it into your workouts then you’re only scratching the surface of what your body could look like. Yep…it’s that important.

So important that I built it right into the exercises in the AthLEAN-X Training System and use it in every workout when I’m training myself or someone else.

Check Out this Video to see one of my NEWEST and maybe most effective combos yet! In this video you’ll see you how…BACK EXERCISES and SHOULDER EXERCISES done separately can help you to develop a pretty good back and shoulders.

BUT…combine them together and you’ll not only be out of the gym in half the time but you’ll get those delts to cap and that back to span far and wide like never before!

Stay Strong,


PS. It’s not too late to be the next “MR. X”! Pick up your copy of the ATHLEAN-X program and lay claim to the title (and the rewards that go with it!) by making the greatest 90 day transformation with AthLEAN-X. I’m looking forward to having you to the “X-BOX” for the day!