Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

You’ve probably heard that age-old question… “If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it still make a noise?” Well, lifting weights has it’s own equivalent question and that is…

“If moving your shoulder away from your body targets your side delts does moving your body away from your shoulder do the same?”

Side Delts exerciseThe important thing I want you to learn from this video is not just the exercise (though I think you’re going to love it)… It’s the concept that I show you that can literally change the way you train FOREVER.

Look…using the same exercises over and over again are going to get you the same results. But changing them just for the sake of change (WITHOUT KNOWING WHY) can quickly lead to overtraining. So what do you do?

Remember, just as medicine requires a specific dose to get a specific effect (and taking too much can cause a completely different one!)…so do your workouts! Working out IS a science.

If you’re not applying principles to your workouts that are based in true muscle building science then you’re not going to be able to see the results you want.

The ATHLEAN-X SYSTEM does just that. Real Science. Real Results.



PS. Make sure you don’t just skip right to the exercise in the video. I don’t want you to miss the importance of the explanation in the beginning. It not only helps you to understand WHY the exercise works, but more importantly how this can change ALL of your workouts going forward!