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I have to admit, this one caught me off guard a bit. I never really realized the amount of guys that struggle with building bigger traps and upper backs. Until…….I got 742 requests for a workout to help fix this problem once and for all! (Not kidding!)

Since I always like to listen to you guys out there that take the time to make your requests…I’m thrilled to say that….The ANSWER is here!

And the answer may surprise you.

tremendous trapsThis workout doesn’t contain a single “classic” shrug!! You know the ones? The ones that you’re probably doing exclusively to try and build your traps and upper back…unsuccessfully.

I know you’re probably thinking “How the heck do you build up your traps without the dumbbell or barbell shrugs?” By tricking the traps into all new growth….AthLEAN-X Style!

Come see what I’ve got up my sleeve for you this week and “X” off one more muscle group from the “stubborn” category once and for all!

Stay Strong,


PS. Struggling with more than just your traps? Get the AthLEAN-X 90-Day Body ReconstruXion System that’s rapidly becoming the hottest training method available.