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It’s me, Sue! Your coach and instructor from the Athlean-XX for Women DVDs (which are now offered 100% online too!) This week I am bringing you an awesome workout you will definitely want to try! Get a BIG, BAD BOOTIE with these 5 killer moves!

BigBadBootie-playThis is a workout you can do pretty much anywhere…at home at the gym, or outside!

Did you know that’s how we designed the whole Athlean-XX for Women program?

The Athlean-XX workouts can be done at HOME or AT THE GYM! It’s a total excuse buster!



P.S. A FLEXIBLE plan is what will allow you to reach your goal weight and stay there!

Now with Athlean-XX being available online, you can work out wherever you want, whenever you want.

Join us on Team Athlean today at a new lower price!