Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Did you know… The secret to building bigger delts (yes, all three heads) involves you using much lighter weights! I’m serious.

The science behind why this works so well? It all has to do with tempo. The speed at which you perform your shoulder exercises and of course, knowing which to do!

As with everything I bring you in my videos, this one is backed by science and is something that you will be able to feel instantly! It’s that effective.

What are you waiting for? You’ve got to give this one a try!


P.S.  This one is going to be very helpful.  You’ll be shocked at how effective this is.  Please do me a favor and share it with a friend.  Let them feel the torture with you 🙂

Build Big Shoulders with Light Weights (Full Routine)

P.P.S.  Looking to speed up the results you’re seeing from your workouts?  Put the science back in supplementation with the ATHLEAN-Rx formulas.  Trusted by today’s top pro athletes and celebrities.  There is no equal on the market…

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