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It’s crazy when you think about it, but of all the hard work you put in at the gym (that can be up to 90 minutes a day 7 days a week on that “other” program!)…it can be all UNDONE in just 3 minutes in the morning!

Yep…sad but painfully true.

eating on the run muscle building mealsWatch this new video to avoid making this #1 mistake most people do every day. Most busy guys rush out the door on their way to work and even make sure to hit the gym on the way home. The only problem is that the workout they get in will most likely be largely a wasted effort…and it doesn’t have to be.

Why you might ask? Because they (and statistically 78% of all guys) get their training right but mess up on their meal plans. They play “Nutrition Russian Roulette” with their meals during the day just eating whatever is available to them and hope that this is going to get them to look the way they want.

This approach flat out doesn’t work… especially if you want to build ripped lean muscle and not just look like a bigger version of a guy that still carries too much body fat. That said, I put together a quick video this morning as I left for work to show you my exact strategy for guaranteeing that I don’t screw up my efforts later on at the gym.

AND…’s unbelievably simple. Simple. Quick. Effective. I’m in, and you should be too!

Stay Strong,


PS. Sometimes just knowing that you SHOULD be eating better doesn’t help you to ACTUALLY eat better! I know that. So I decided to include 90 days of complete (and realistic!) done-for-you meal plans with AthLEAN-X. Some guys have followed just the meal plans alone and gotten great results. Imagine when you combine it with my step by step workout plan too?

CLICK HERE to get this one-two combo physique changing knockout punch!