Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Here’s a quick question for you; if you were trying to build big biceps, would you be better off lifting heavy weights or light weights? Be careful – better think this out before you answer!

Now don’t get me wrong. I see the value in using both, but my goal here is to help you specifically to figure out what is best for you right now. I think this is going to be a big help!

It doesn’t matter how much experience training you have. The right answer could surprise you! Here you go.


P.S.  If you like when I break down the science to help you decide what is best for you specifically, then you’ll love how I do it in my A-X programs.  Every meal.  Every workout. I’ll make sure you don’t fail!

Click here to let me give you the best plan suited for your goals

P.P.S.  If you find this video helpful, please make sure to share it with someone you think will as well.  Maybe your training partner who always insists on doing a certain exercise for biceps!  This will be a big help for sure….

Heavy Weights VS. Light Weights for Big Biceps (WHICH IS BEST)