Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

As you know…when it comes to burning fat AND preserving hard earned muscle at the same time, you can ONLY be doing 1 kind of cardio! That’s something I call… “AthLEAN Burst Training

Most people use alternatives that pale in comparison to the benefits that “Burst” training can provide in 1/3 the time!

hill workoutAfter all…what good is spending hours on the treadmill anyway if:

1. It’s not even the most effective way to melt away fat.

2. It eats up muscle tissue.


3. It’s boring you to tears and making you hate going to the gym!

So…instead of continuing to do things that aren’t rewarding you for the hard work you’ve been putting in…it’s time to flip the switch and do something that will! Enter my “HILL OF HELL” Workout!

For those who still might be disbelievers in how effective BURST TRAINING can be for conditioning…do just one round of this workout…and in 4 minutes you’ll feel like you just ran a marathon! You’re legs will be shaking, pulse will be quaking and your metabolism will be baking!

It’s time to experience what AthLEAN-X style training is all about.

Stay Strong,


PS. When you’re convinced that you are ready to trade in 30 extra minutes on the treadmill for more free time and more efficient fat burning workouts then head to AthLEAN-X and grab your copy of the 90 day training system that is quickly becoming THE #1 choice for building lean muscle online. Even more? Get AthLEAN-X ALL-STAR Package now and get the X-clusive “UNCHAINED CHEST” Workout that may be the most unique results getting workout you can put your pecs through yet!