Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

The lower back is one of the most vulnerable areas of our body. AND TO MAKE THINGS WORSE… We don’t do the right exercises for it. So it gets weak! Unless… You do exactly what I’m showing you here.

Most of the exercises that are performed for the low back are isometrics. We forget to take the lumbar paraspinals through their full range of motion, and this is a big mistake.

I’m going to give you the step by step game plan today.

What to do.
When to do it.
How to do it right.

I think you’re going to find this to be very very helpful. Please share it with someone else you know could benefit!


P.S.  The low back is ground zero for all movement. If it’s messed up, it’s hard to train anything else at all let alone effectively. This is a very important video for that reason alone. Be sure to get this right…

How to Get a STRONG Low Back (DO THIS EVERY DAY!)

P.P.S.  The ATHLEAN-X programs never overlook what most other programs do. When you train like an athlete, everything matters. Train like an athlete for the next 90 days and you’ll be amazed at just how strong, fit and healthy you can become…

“Yes, Jeff I want to have you train me like an athlete!”
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