Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Since the start of my “Bulletproof Body” series, I have been getting lots and lots of requests on YouTube for me to cover my greatest ways to fortify your most likely weak spots in the kinetic chain.

You know…those muscle groups that when they’re weak (or just not strong enough) tend to sap your ability to see the results you SHOULD be getting from your hard training. So far we’ve attacked the core, biceps/shoulders, low back, and hamstrings. But there’s one that has been topping the request list… and for good reason.

bulletproof forearmsIT’S ONE OF THE MOST MIS-TRAINED AREAS IN THE BODY…THE FOREARMS (See an entirely new way to build yours in this video!)

What if I told you that one of the greatest ways I know for building up forearm strength involved:

– NO tubing or traditional weights.

– A pullup bar!

– And an item you could get at Home Depot for less than $4.00!

Huh?? Did I just say pullup bar?? Home Depot??

Yes….While you may be surprised when you watch this video…if you’ve been training with AthLEAN-X for any time now you won’t be.

You see, the reason AthLEAN-X delivers the results that it does in the time that it does (most start seeing results in the first few weeks!) is that it trains your body the way it’s biomechanically MEANT to be trained!

Through “MUSCLE INTEGRATION”, AthLEAN-X takes muscles that ordinary training isolates (often into separate training sessions) and puts them in the same workout…the same exercise….to get even greater results than either could have delivered on it’s own!

Not only does training this way yield far greater results than other methods of training, BUT it also produces a body that is more athletically capable…more functional… more explosive……in short, it turns your body into a machine!

I’ve been saying this for so long it’s become my mantra…”If you want to LOOK like an athlete, you’ve got to start TRAINING your body like one!” Come see what “Muscle Integration Training” can do for you in the next 90 days!

Become part of TEAM ATHLEAN today!

Stay Strong….


PS. While $4.00 is all you need to pull off this incredible forearm builder…you won’t need much more to get a complete training system that builds your ENTIRE body with muscle integration tactiX just like this! For half the price of our competition (and zero of the overtraining!) and just one payment of $67.00 you can start seeing what it’s like to train for results…each and every workout! It’s time to get ATHLEAN!