Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

After Hurricane Sandy ripped through the entire eastern seaboard of the United States earlier this week, I’ve been left without power (and internet) for since (going on 6 days now!)

Imagine if the workout program I followed required me to follow a DVD?!?  I’d be screwed. Well…that’s not the way we roll  here with ATHLEAN-X…not by a long shot.

Instead of packing it in and waiting for the power to come back on…we keep working out…and this is yet another example of one type of the workouts I do!
hurricane headrush conditioning workoutThe Hurricane Headrush 2 is Here! No equipment and no power required! As you probably know by now…I hate excuses. They just stand in the way of progress.

With ATHLEAN-X (and this week’s video) you don’t need:

– electricity
– much equipment
– or much space to get the job done

You DO however need some guts, determination, and a desire to look like a ripped, muscular, pro athlete after 90 days of training this way!

With this type of “Athlean Burst Training” you’ll be saying goodbye to boring “cardio” forever…I promise!
As I said earlier…This is just one type of the workouts I do 5 days a week. The others focus on strength and muscle size but are equally as creative & intense, and all of them are done in less than 40 minutes!

Want my complete exact day by day program? Click Here to Copy My Workouts – Set by Set

Meantime…I hope you are all enjoying a “power-filled” day.


P.S.  Got this question the other day, “Jeff…do I lose access to my program after 90 days?”  My answer…”Absolutely not!  You have access for life to a program I believe you can follow forever.  Basically, when you join TEAM ATHLEAN, you’re on my team for as long as you want to be.  I’m trusting that once you see the results, you’d only wish it hadn’t taken you so long to get started!

Get Unlimited Access to ATHLEAN-X Anywhere, Anytime, Any Way with No Recurring Fees Ever!