Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Not since “Angelina Jolie” have two words sent guys into a craze like this method of eating has. But is it justified?
What’s crazy is that this nutrition approach is anything BUT new, having been practiced and talked about for over 50 years now. But still…it’s the rage.
And because I know how important fat loss is to many of my followers, it’s an issue worth taking an honest look at.intermittent fastingSpeaking of fat loss, there’s no doubt that nutrition plays a HUGE role in how quickly you can get rid of that overlying body fat that can conceal even the most developed muscles. BUT…As you’ll see in this video, without ONE CRUCIAL YET OFTEN OVERLOOKED component of nutrition your chances of seeing results dwindle quickly.
In fact, it’s so important to fat loss that I actually built my entire ATHLEAN X-FACTOR MEAL PLANS around helping you to nail this and get it right!

Hope you find the video helpful!


PS.  That one critical component that I referred to up above really does make the difference between short term improvement in body fat and walking around with a 6 pack every day of the year!  It all starts with a plan, and I’m sharing my own with you to MAKE SURE you get this right!
You can get this step by step nutrition plan along with your 90 day ATHLEAN-X workout program here!