Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Normally, me being in the kitchen is a BAD idea!  I can screw up ready-made-pancakes for crying out loud (another great reason why the X-Factor Meal Plan that comes with ATHLEAN-X works so well…it’s EASY to follow!)

BUT…When it comes to protein shakes I’m the freaking Gordon Ramsey of the blender!  AND THIS.. could be the BEST TASTING Protein Shake Ever!  See how to make it!!

protein-shake-mojito-ytLook, with Summer practically here I find that this is the time that some guys tend to fall out of their routine.  That said…miss a few workouts and you’ll be ok.  Slip up on your nutrition…and your chances of looking good shirtless when it matters the most are SCREWED!!

Meantime…Give this one a try, and if you haven’t already gotten your Rx Supplement Bundle then be sure to click here and see why they are the hottest supplement stack on the market right now!

Enjoy the rest of your week my friend!



P.S. Remember, nutrition plays a HUGE part in whether you will have a visible six pack…almost 70% actually!! That said, the biggest complaint we here is that it gets complicated to get it right. DOESN’T HAVE TO BE!!

– Get a step-by-step 90 Day Meal Plan (no complicated recipes or measuring!) with the ATHLEAN-X Program Here

– Get ALL of the most proven muscle-building / fat burning supplements in just 3 bottles with ATHLEAN-Rx Here

P.P.S. There is a special deal in place for those that purchase the ATHLEAN-X System and Rx Supplements together. Order the program and receive an additional 10% off the supplements after placing your order!

Click here to get ATHLEAN-X now and take advantage of this offer!