Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

With January already a week down… Are you closer now than you were a week ago to your healthiest body ever in 2019? To get there you’re going to need a strong core and I’ve got you covered.

I’m going to take you through 5 moves that will hit every area of your core. 1 minute at a time. 5 minutes total. Trust me, you’ll feel it!

Now remember…

Abs alone won’t cut it.  I just said in last week’s video how important nutrition and an overall approach to training are. But… If the thought of this small 5 minute commitment is enough to get you motivated to START, then by all means, let’s get going!


P.S.  Try this quick 5 minute beginner ab workout and let me know how you like it.  I promise, you’ll feel it in areas you’ve never felt before…

Quick 5 Minute Beginner Ab Workout!

P.P.S.  If you’re ready to train more than just your abs and you want a step by step meal plan to help you to strip away fat to get a ripped, athletic physique, click to get  started…

Get a ripped, athletic body by training like an athlete here