Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Have you ever said any of the following:

“I wish I had more defined lower pecs”
“I wish my upper chest was fuller”
“I wish I had better separation in my middle chest”
“I wish my outer chest was more chiseled”

If so, then you absolutely need to watch this new video…

Not to burst your bubble but I’m going to give you the honest answer to each of these questions by breaking out the “muscle markers” AND… I’ll be putting the science back in strength as always.

All questions will be answered by this video. I think you’re going to find it to be refreshing and above all else… Incredibly helpful!


P.S.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the fastest way to see results is by training with (and not against) science.  I make it a priority in all of my workouts.  Are you ready to see faster results from your training?  Let’s do this…

Click here to start training with me step by step for fast results

P.P.S.  If you like these “muscle marker” videos and find them helpful, please do me a favor and share it with someone else you think would benefit too.  It’s the best way you can let me know you like what I’m doing…

Targeted Chest Training – Is it Possible (SCIENTIFIC TRUTH!)