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Yes, I’m a few weeks early regarding 2015…BUT Having just left the annual Major League Baseball (MLB) Winter Meetings where I spoke to 30 of the best strength coaches in the world about the ATHLEAN-Rx supplements.

I can tell you this…There is one clear overwhelming trend in training, nutrition and supplements heading into 2015. Hear me discuss it with my colleague and close friend here

Workout-programs-that-dont-work-ytI missed my regular Saturday posting of my video on youtube. But I wanted to make sure I got you the latest info before I left the meetings.

The coolest part about this clear trend is…We’ve been doing it and preaching it here at A-X since 2010!

In the meantime…

Have a listen to this trend and trust in its effectiveness. I promise you’ll be rewarded in the form of significantly more noticeable results in 2015 and beyond if you do.



P.S. My lecture focused on the critical importance of joint recovery on muscle gain and performance. Proud to announce that our MECHAN-X formula earned the gold standard for supplement trust (NSF for Sport), safety and efficacy!

Click here to experience less pain…and more gain with MECHAN-X

P.S. I’m actually writing this email to you sitting on my plane back to NYC, 36,000 feet above the ground! Gotta love airplane wifi.