Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Like it or hate it…Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you’ve heard of CROSSFIT. If you’re like most, what you’ve heard is either good, bad…or both!

I’ve been asked to weigh in for over a year now. FINALLY…the time has come! High risk of injury? Motivating way to workout? Not truly working out at all? See what I think – Good and Bad!

Crossfit-Pros-and-Cons-YT One thing’s for certain. As a physical therapist and strength coach, I have a responsibility to my readers to be honest but informative.

I think you’ll agree that I accomplish both in this video.



P.S. Pay careful attention to the distinction between the two types of workouts in the last “CON”! I promise you, it will make ALL the difference in the type of results you get from your training…and how fast you see them!

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