Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Today’s video is very important and it’s not JUST for beginners! Why? Because even the most seasoned of lifters will still make some of the mistakes shown here…

That’s right. Even I’ll catch myself doing some of the things I’m showing you in this video. When I do…I smack myself in the face with a 95lb dumbbell to remind myself not to do them! Good thing you won’t have to do that!

Whatever your experience level is… I think you’re going to find this one to be a very helpful video.

And… Jesse is back! For those of you who have missed him that is.


P.S.  Far too many unqualified internet “coaches” trying to teach you how to train and dishing out flat out bad advice.  Let me show you the right way to do it for life long, permanent drug free gains here…

Step by step workouts and nutrition plan for great gains!

P.P.S.  If you know someone who is just starting out or even a gym veteran that could use a “refresher”, please do me a favor and share this video with them.  It’s the best way to let me know you like these.

Top 6 Beginner Workout Mistakes to Avoid!