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Just finished up another “LIVE” Q&A session where I answered your burning questions like…

    • What’s the absolute best kettlebell exercise?
    • How to “up” the number of pullups you can do?
    • The best way to loosen the hips?
    • Is the old fashioned “ab wheel” beneficial at all?
    • And more….

athlean x live q&aPlus I threw in a simple but GREAT exercise for developing the lower chest with just 1 dumbbell! AND…Showed you one “mindset trick” that you could do the next time you deadlift that could increase the weight you lift SIGNIFICANTLY and save your back in the process!
You see…It’s through Q&A’s like this that I not only get a chance to interact with people like yourself who have loyally supported ATHLEAN-X and actually answer YOUR questions. But hopefully further distinguish our program from the others out there.
See what 90 DAYS of true muscle science and planned strategic nutrition can do for your body…GET ATHLEAN-X AND JOIN “TEAM ATHLEAN” TODAY!