One of the most frustrating things that most people will face if they've worked out the same way for any length of time (greater than 1-2 months) is the tendency to fall into a rut and see muscle building and/or fat loss come to a screeching halt! You know what I'm talking about... It's the dreaded "PLATEAU".
I must get the question sent to me at least 15 times a week. " I too old to start ATHLEAN-X Training?" It's a fair question. After all, in our society people have been made to feel that your aging is a form of a death sentence for crying out loud. What's that? You turned 40?!? Time to start picking out a casket!
One of the most common questions I get, particularly from those guys in their 40's, 50's and beyond who are looking for a workout program to follow that will work WITH them instead of AGAINST them is "Jeff, should I even bother or am I just too old to build muscle?" This question always saddens me because people legitimately think they can't look good past a certain age!
OK, so maybe this is a stretch but with Lebron James just finishing announcing that he will be making his way to South Beach this October to play for the Miami Heat, he just threw upon his already huge shoulders a whole new level of expectations (if that's even possible for the guy that many think is the greatest player in the game today)...