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Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean your salads have to get boring.  In fact, exploring some of fall’s flavors in your salads is a great way to incorporate in-season produce into your diet.  Eating fruit and vegetables that are in season is better for your health and the environment.  First of all, in-season produce is ALWAYS more flavorful.  It is also higher in nutrients since it is properly ripened.  Buying produce that is produced locally and in season is also much better for the environment. Since it doesn’t have to travel such a long way to get to your plate, not much gasoline is used to get it there, thus less pollution!

Below are 12 amazing fall salad recipes including such tasty autumn ingredients as sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, beets, green beans, pumpkin, dried cranberries, and even fruit!  Head out to the farmer’s market, grab some fall produce and serve up salad!

1) Harvest Salad for One by

This salad is perfect when you need a quick, filling lunch or snack just for one person!  It can be made with butternut, acorn or kabocha squash.  The low-fat dressing, hazelnuts and apples give it quintessential fall flavor and a yummy crunchiness!

Click here for full recipe.

2) Baby Spinach Salad with Honey Roasted Butternut Squash by

Pumpkin seeds, gorgonzola and dried cherries give this spinach salad a sweet harvest time flavor and crunch.  This is a great addition to a Thanksgiving dinner and is gluten-free too!

Click here for full recipe.

3) Avocado and Roasted Yam Salad by

This blog has some amazing gourmet Tex-Mex style recipes by a daughter, mother and grandmother trio from El Paso, Texas.  This salad with unexpected ingredients and includes pumpkin seeds, roasted yams, corn, cilantro and a serrano chile.  Tasty!

Click here for full recipe.


4) Roasted Fall Harvest by

Many of us really enjoy beets but have a hard time figuring out how to prepare them.  This salad recipe pairs beets with shallots, green beans, carrots and a dash of honey – a flavorful combination!

Click here for full recipe

5) Fall Fruit and Yogurt Salad by

This fruit salad is to die for and can easily be made fresh throughout fall and winter time once the local apples are pears are gone.  It’s made with an apple, pear, grapefruit, yogurt, pomegranate seeds and pumpkin seeds.  Super tasty!

Click here for full recipe.


6) Roasted Green Beans with Mushrooms by

Many of us at this time of year have garden green beans coming out of our ears!  Here’s a tasty salad to help you use them up.  Also can be made with fresh farmers’ market beans or even frozen!

Click here for full recipe


7) Quinoa Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes by

Loaded with superfoods, this incredible fall salad includes kale, sweet potatoes, dried cranberries, quinoa and red onion.  Quinoa is not only a great source of protein, it is also gluten free!

Click here for full recipe

8) A Farmer’s Autumn by OhJoy.Com

This salad is an excellent snack to help you get both your healthy carbs and your protein in!  It uses butternut squash with edamame (boiled soy beans), goat cheese and

Click here for full recipe

9) Chicken and Bacon Autumn Chopped Salad by

This recipe turns a salad into a true meal!  If you prefer a little meat with your salad, or have trouble getting the man in your life to eat his veggies, the chicken and bacon in this salad are sure to entice him!

 Click here for full recipe


10) Spiced Paneer, Chickpeas and Quinoa Autumn Salad by

This Malaysian Indian husband wife team cook up incredible recipes with the tastes of their homelands.  If you’re looking to try something different, this spiced paneer salad will not disappoint.  It incorporates Indian flavors like chickpeas, paneer, turmeric, cinnamon, chili, nutmeg, garam masala and mint to spice up your salad with international flair!

Click here for full recipe


 11) Zucchini Ribbon Salad by

To make this salad, you’ll use a veggie peeler to cut ribbons from zucchini and then grill them – a truly gourmet twist.  This blog is one of my favorites – healthy Italian home cooking.  What could be better!

Click here for full recipe

12) Sweet and Spicy Fall Fruit Salad by

This fruit salad is made with grapefruit, orange, persimmons, apples and pear spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and anise.  It’s a tangy delight with bite!


Click here for full recipe

At Athlean-XX for Women, we’re all about healthy nutrition because it helps us lose weight and have energy for our tough workouts!  Our nutrition plan recommends combining proteins and slow-burning carbohydrates at every meal and snack to help keep you feeling full.  In fact, the Athlean-XX for Women nutrition plan is anything but a diet – we actually recommend you eat more – 5 – 6 times per day!  This type of diet will help turn your metabolism into a fat burning machine – when combined with our killer 30 minute workouts.  Yes, with Athlean-XX for Women, eat more, exercise shorter but harder and weigh less!  Join us on Team Athlean to start your lifestyle makeover now!

And finally, if you’d like to stay up to date with the blog, then please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and follow us on Pinterest.

P.S.  We are a growing community dedicated to and passionate about realistic fitness and nutrition for REAL women.  If you enjoyed this post please feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It would be incredibly appreciated 🙂