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Caden Wolf Caden Wolf
Caden Wolf – Surprises in Every Workout!✝✝
Caden Wolf: 20 Greenville , Illinois
What I love most about ATHLEAN-X  is the vast variety of the workouts. In the 12 weeks each week was a different workout and totally different training technique. With Jeff's knowledge you are getting great workouts with exercises that are brand new to me and flow together so good.
Keep up the good work Jeff!  
Bassam Hamade
Bassam Hamade – Goes from 3 push-ups to 50 with ATHLEAN-X!!✝✝
Bassam Hamade : 51 Beirut, Lebanon
Your program WORKS. I am over 50,and even though I have 3 marathon under my belt ( and finished them), I could not do 5 straight push ups, now I can do a set of 50. I went through AX1 twice,( out of my home using your replacements) it helped my running performance. The last 400 challenge I finished in 12 minutes down 28 minutes from the 40 minute mark I hit the first time.
I am sure I will be going through AX2 soon and can not wait to see what is in store for me. Thank you and all the best.  
Justin Schiller – He’s Never Seen Results Like These!✝✝
Justin Schiller: 20 Spring, Texas
Hey TEAM ATHLEAN love your program and love my results. First program I have used where I was able to achieve LONG TERM results. I not only look better, but I feel stronger, fitter and healthier.  The step by step videos everyday are great if you are unsure of something in the program.
Getting emails from Jeff every week and weekly YouTube videos are a huge help as well. Keep up the good work guys there is nothing that needs to change with this program. I would recommend it to anyone.  
Sgt. Doug Loveless Sgt. Doug Loveless
Sgt. Doug Loveless✝✝
Sgt. Doug Loveless: 29 Dupont, Washington
Your program has also given me results unmatched to anything else I ever attempted. I look forward to every workout week in and week out. As a soldier we need to be fit at all times and ready to fight.  I am currently working towards earning my Bachelor’s degree in Sports and Health Sciences with a concentration on Exercise Science. Your program changed my eating habits, physical readiness, and my life. Thanks again for creating such an amazing program. Nothing worth having comes easy.  
Getting emails from Jeff every week and weekly YouTube videos are a huge help as well. Keep up the good work guys there is nothing that needs to change with this program. I would recommend it to anyone.  
Zac Rosander
Zac Rosander – Dropping Lbs and Taking Names✝✝
Zac Rosander : 22 Los Gatos, California
ATHLEAN-X is a amazing program it helped me go from 23% body fat down to 11%. The workouts are fun and challenging. I loved the functional results I saw from ATHLEAN-X I can run faster and longer and now able to do pullups. In the meal plan you are able to have pizza, chili and trail mix, not many meal plans are you able to have those if you are looking to get ripped.
But it works and I look forward to anything else you come out with in the future Jeff.  
Tim Walls – Gets RIPPED ABS after SURGERY✝✝
Tim Walls: 35 Allentown, Pennsylvania
Hi Jeff I have recently finished AX-1 and currently in AX-2 and would like to tell you that you guys are doing a great job. The three things I really love about the program are the diet, the leg workouts and the burst training. I had my MCL worked on two years ago and was looking for a way to strengthen it up without putting it in jeopardy again.
Not being able to do a lot of running I really appreciate the burst training because I still am able to do it and get great results. I really look forward to the programs you guys are coming out with in the future. Keep up the great work.  
Nicholas Mucerino – GREATEST Program He’s Ever Had✝✝
Nicholas Mucerino: 19 Staten Island, New York
ATHLEAN-X is the greatest program I have ever used for sure. I've seen great results, I am stronger, faster and more agile. I felt I needed direction and ATHLEAN-X has helped me with that. Jeff lays it out very easy for you so all you have to do is the will to do it, your workout and meal plan are right in front of you everyday so there is no guessing involved.
He not only tells you how to eat and train properly but he teaches you how to do it as well. I can't wait to move onto AX-2 in the future.  
Jamie Lowry – 15 Year Old Boxer DOMINATES in the Ring✝✝
Jamie Lowry: 15 Berkshire, United Kingdom
I've just completed AX-1 and would like to say thanks Jeff it was a brilliant program. Being a boxer it has helped me so much push past my previous fitness levels. My strength, stamina and agility were all pushed to the max in ATHLEAN-X. Many people have come up to me and wonder what my secret is, with your training has exceeded all my expectations.
I am starting AX-2 soon and can't wait for what is in store for me. Thank you again Jeff and everyone at TEAM ATHLEAN, keep up the good work.  
Greg Clark – He’s Tried It All and NOTHING Compares!✝✝
Greg Clark: 30 Laporte, Indiana
I love ATHLEAN-X. I've tried P90x, body weight programs, bodybuilding programs if it's out there I've pretty much tried it. Nothing has ever worked for me except ATHLEAN-X it's the REAL DEAL. I am currently in week 7 of AX-1 and the body fat just keeps coming off. AX-1 I can tell really prepares you for AX-2 and will help me get even more ripped and put on muscle at the same time.
If you on the fence I highly recommend trying ATHLEAN-X you will not be disappointed, I wasn't. Thanks Jeff for a great program, keep up the good work.  
Richard Purseglove
Richard Purseglove – To the Gym and Back in LESS THAN AN HOUR✝✝
Richard Purseglove: 35 Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I have been training on and off for over 10 years and during this time I have tried hundreds of supplements, weight loss products, diets, training programs and nothing has provided any notable long term results. I was at the point where I wasn't going to spend another penny on quick fixes but i had no idea what to try next.
... I had pretty much given up.The BEFORE photos you see above where during a period of training before AthLEAN-X when I thought I was seeing results (this is why I took the photos!!) and my weight was around 210lbs. I hammered out set after set after set of Bench Presses, Bicep Curls etc. and soon began to get bored and frustrated, resulting in the same old outcome.... I stopped training, lost any muscle gains as well as putting what seemed like more fat on than before!I hadn't trained for months when I came across Jeff's AthLEAN-X program. What a savior! I decided to go for it and take one last leap of faith.I lost 28lbs and felt much stronger than ever before. I loved every session in the gym and pushed myself to the limit for 30-40 minutes. I was actually just selected as the most improved member of my gym for my hard work! Thanks Jeff!