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Ari Orzynski – More EXPLOSIVE on ATHLEAN-X✝✝
Ari Orzynski: 22 Mexico City, Mexico
I love this program. I have been working with the ATHLEAN-X training system for almost 2 months now, and I can already feel myself becoming more explosive, more athletic, and faster in my workouts. Over the past 2 months with ATHLEAN-X, I am noticing the positive changes in my body and absolutely love them.
The ATHLEAN-X training system is one of the most well rounded programs on the market today. ATHLEAN-X is designed to bring you workouts that develop functional full body strength, helping you to become faster, stronger, and more explosive in your workouts. THANKS TEAM ATHLEAN.  
Scott Warren
Scott Warren✝✝
Scott Warren: 37 Caldwell , Indiana
As a firefighter/paramedic I've preached to people over the years about staying healthy and getting in to shape, but yet I wasn't following my own guidelines. I looked in the mirror one day and saw what I was becoming. I was becoming a person that lived behind my excuses. I felt that I was being unfair to myself, my family, and to the people I serve as a firefighter.
When you show up to someone's burning house, the people expect you to be able to perform your job mentally and physically. Most people have a notion that when a firefighter gets out of a fire truck that they are fit and strong and for a good reason....YOU SHOULD BE! I was NOT!!Being a collegiate track and football athlete, I decided it was time for me to get back into "game shape". After months of doing other things, I still wasn't "seeing" the results I wanted to see. That is when I found AthLEAN-X...and it's helped me to push my body to the limits I was really seeking. I personally have adopted this into my fire department workouts and will continue to use them. They play such a close roll to the physical demands I face each day as a firefighter. I know that the workouts have been effective by the way I look, feel, how my clothes are fitting (the drop in pant sizes, shirt sizes, etc.) and the comments I get from other people every day now...most of all my wife who has said to me I look better than I ever have in the 11 years we have been married (and that is very important!)I went from 210 lbs down to 182 lbs and dropped from around 20% body fat down to 13% (and my goal is to dropped another 5-6% body fat and continue to gain the lean muscle I have been gaining). I have no doubt I'll get there with AthLEAN-X! Thanks for everything Jeff!  
Jesus Orozco
Jesus Orozco – Waistline Plummets in Just 90 Days!✝✝
Jesus Orozco : 32 Chihuahua, Mexico
I just finished AX-program it's been great, a great journey and I love the results. Increased my mobility and agility where I never thought I could. I burned fat while gaining muscle at the same time. Everyday is a different workout Jeff has planed for us and that is great because you don't get bored at all.
I can't wait to finish AX-1 and start AX-2. Great job guys keep up the good work.  
Benjamin Patton Benjamin Patton
Benjamin Patton – Finally Knows What He is Doing!✝✝
Benjamin Patton : 21 Lyman, South Carolina
Thanks Jeff for not only helping me get in better shape but actually learning why I am doing certain exercises. I used to just go to they gym and do what everyone else was doing but now I know what I'm actually doing in the gym is helping. Now with ATHLEAN-X I know what to do and what exercises help my body the most.
The videos you post weekly on YouTube help a lot. Thanks for the time you put in Jeff it really helps us out. If you thinking about the ATHLEAN-X training program I highly recommend it.  
Prateek Jain
Prateek Jain – Gets Him RIPPED Outside the Gym✝✝
Prateek Jain: 40 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Thanks for the great program Jeff. I have tried others and worked with other personal trainers in the past. Your program blows them all away. I love the ease of being able to do it anywhere with minimal equipment because I travel a lot, so it's great for me to keep up on my workouts.
Keep up the good work!  
Max Kotlarchyk
Done – Max Kotlarchyk – Finds Consistency (BIGGER ARMS) With ATHLEAN-X✝✝
Max Kotlarchyk: 29 Boston, Massachusetts
Thanks Jeff for the great programs you have come out with. I know consider myself a TEAM ATHLEAN member for life. I have tried many other programs in the past and had trouble keeping up with them after I finished just doing them again seemed boring to me. That is not the case with ATHLEAN-X, I love how it keeps you interested and each day is a new day.
Henrik Jensen Henrik Jensen
Henrik Jensen – Spends YEARS Searching for the Right Program, Finds it in ATHLEAN-X✝✝
Henrik Jensen : 22 Fredeikssund, Denmark
I love how tough ATHLEAN-X is. I can feel my muscles sore days after a workout. I feel so much muscle development already.  I had been working out prior to finding ATHLEAN-X for almost 6 years. I saw better results in the first 30 days of training then I had in 6 years. The ATHLEAN burst training is awesome is unique and nothing like the way I had trained before.
Can't wait for the next 60 THANKS ATHLEAN-X. ]
Andrew Smith Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith – Program VARIETY Delivers Consistent Results!✝✝
Andrew Smith: 32 Land O Lakes, Florida
I've done other video workout programs and I eventually got tired of doing them because of the feeling of doing the same thing over and over again. There is nothing like ATHLEAN-X because there was a progression in my body it felt. You may have done the exercise more then once but the ways you did it and was in the program you can tell your body was progressing and getting results.
It was a very well rounded program. I wasn't able to finish those other programs but I gladly looked forward to finishing ATHLEAN-X and have amazing results to show for it.  
Scott Goodwin
Scott Goodwin – CRUSHES Every Workout, Loses 40 lb of Fat✝✝
Scott Goodwin: 30 Otsego, Michigan
I found Jeff on YouTube when I was looking around for a workout to get back into shape. I had played and coached sports all growing up but somehow had gotten out of shape and let myself go. I found one of Jeff's videos "4 Minutes of Hell" and I thought hey that looks easy I could do that.
Well it was anything but easy I killed my body but I knew instantly I found what I had been looking for. Thanks Jeff!  
Biser Petkov Biser Petkov
Biser Petkov✝✝
Biser Petkov: 37 Sofia , Bulgaria
I am happy to be part of this Athlean community. I loved the program and was pleased to see how easy it was to follow the workouts and meal plan for 90 days. I saw some great results for being an older guy and was very happy. Thank you TEAM ATHLEAN.  
Well it was anything but easy I killed my body but I knew instantly I found what I had been looking for. Thanks Jeff!