Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

No I haven’t lost my mind! Steady state cardio has not suddenly become my go-to option for fat loss.

After all, I’ve gone on record as saying that when it’s prioritized it actually becomes quite the muscle-waster and winds up undoing your hard efforts in the gym.

the walk workoutSo…as you’ve come to expect from ATHLEAN-X I’m here to deliver you a NEW ATHLEAN BURST workout to help you effectively burn fat AND build muscle at the same time (without having to compromise one for the other). This one is called simply “The Walk”. As you’ll quickly see however….it’s anything but as simple as it sounds!

One of the greatest things about this workout is that it is also an excuse eliminator (like the entire ATHLEAN-X System for that matter)!

Don’t have a gym membership of lots of equipment? DOESN’T MATTER – All you need is a pair of dumbbells!

Don’t have a lot of space to workout in? DOESN’T MATTER – All you need is hallway in your house!

Don’t have an hour to workout? DOESN’T MATTER – This one will kick your butt in 10 minutes!


When it comes to training you can ONLY do two things. You can either train LONG or you can train HARD but you cannot do both.

If you let me train you with ATHLEAN-X you’ll train hard, but I promise:

…you’ll get better results than with anything else you’ve tried …won’t risk overtraining …and will be built of 100% athletic muscle.



PS. If you’re wondering…yes, 60 minute workouts are too LONG and unnecessary! Stop cutting into your muscle recovery and train only as long as is needed to get muscle growth and adaptation.

Get ATHLEAN-X – No workout longer than 40 minutes!