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If it wasn’t for his program I would still be putting the last bit of nails in my coffin so to speak. Paying for NXT is the least I could do to somehow thank Jeff for everything he has done, and is still doing, for me and my family.

I’ve been sharing my story with every person I bump into and continue to advocate for his program. As a Firefighter, this program just fits us so well, especially due to the cardio and the mobility we need to do our jobs. We truly are that “Athlete” that Jeff continuously talks about. Slowly, more people are joining me and making the life change for themselves. I’ve even finally convinced, after months of hard work, one of the most active muscle head-ripped-dude friend of mine to join us with the NXT program. He just called me to tell me he found muscles he never knew he had. He even had to stop before the end cause he thought he was gonna die. LMFAO!! Only if you knew him. 

Sorry, I didn’t plan on babbling away, it’s just that words cannot express how awesome my life is now that I’ve dismantled that metaphoric coffin and replaced it with a “Login to AthleanX”!!! Thank You Jeff once again.