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Len Ware
Len Ware✝✝
Len Ware: 51 Pasadena, Maryland
I am a 51 year young man. I started the program about 1.5 years ago. I wanted a real fitness program to follow and ATHLEAN-X looked great to me. I was impressed that Jeff was a physical therapist on top of being a conditioning coach. I used trainers before and hurt myself using their methods.
I later realized they knew nothing about how the body functioned. There are too many knuckleheads giving bad advice!  I will be running the Worlds Tougest Mudder with my step son and nephew in November. Thanks to Jeff, I feel more than capable of completing the 24 hour challenge. Thank you for the program and the education provided along the way.  
John Lloyd
John Lloyd✝✝
John Lloyd : 45 Pasadena, Texas
I can say without any doubt this was the easiest 12 week program I have ever attempted. And when I say easy, I mean EASY TO STICK WITH, because this program is ANYTHING BUT EASY from a physical demand requirement! I’ve tried several others P90x, body for life, etc, and have NEVER finished them.
They ALL got boring.ATHLEAN-X was never boring. The workout videos that Jeff provided not only showed me how to do the exercises, but got me fired up in the process.  
Bassam Hamade
Bassam Hamade – Goes from 3 push-ups to 50 with ATHLEAN-X!!✝✝
Bassam Hamade : 51 Beirut, Lebanon
Your program WORKS. I am over 50,and even though I have 3 marathon under my belt ( and finished them), I could not do 5 straight push ups, now I can do a set of 50. I went through AX1 twice,( out of my home using your replacements) it helped my running performance. The last 400 challenge I finished in 12 minutes down 28 minutes from the 40 minute mark I hit the first time.
I am sure I will be going through AX2 soon and can not wait to see what is in store for me. Thank you and all the best.  
Tom Gordon
Tom Gordon – Bigger Arms, Better Abs, (STILL NOT DONE!)✝✝
Tom Gordon: 45 Canal Windchester, Ohio
Jeff I've been doing the AX-1 and AX-2 programs for over 6 months now and I love them. What I like about the program is that the workouts are quick and under 45 minutes so you can get it in and out. I also like the workouts because they are fun. Everyday is something new so it keeps the body guessing and it is not the same thing all over again.
Training with ATHLEAN-X makes me feel excited every time I get ready to work out because of the great gains and progress I am seeing already.  
Cory Camps
Cory Camps – Drops 6 Pants Sizes!!✝✝
Cory Camps: 50 Oconto, Wisconsin
This is a great program everything is laid out right in front of you, no guessing involved all you have to do is listen to Jeff. It's great because you can do it at the gym or at home just depends on your preference. Since finding this program ATHLEAN-X has become a part of my life now.
Since starting the program I've gone down 6 pant sizes and have lost a good amount of weight. The program is easy for anyone to follow Jeff lays out the whole workout and meal plan for you. All you need is the drive. Thanks JEFF!  
Robert Wander Robert Wander
Robert Wander – 58 Year Old Gets in the BEST Shape of His Life!!✝✝
Robert Wander: 58 New York City, New York
I'm 58 years old and have just finished the ATHLEAN-X program. I have to say it is the best exercise program I have ever done in my life. Right now I am doing the X-TINCTION program and then working my way up to AX-2. Jeff you are the MAN you are doing a great job. There is nothing else even close to this program it is the best.
Keep up the great work.  
Prateek Jain
Prateek Jain – Gets Him RIPPED Outside the Gym✝✝
Prateek Jain: 40 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Thanks for the great program Jeff. I have tried others and worked with other personal trainers in the past. Your program blows them all away. I love the ease of being able to do it anywhere with minimal equipment because I travel a lot, so it's great for me to keep up on my workouts.
Keep up the good work!