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I get asked from time to time what ATHLEAN-X really is.

How it’s different from other types of training and why it delivers different and faster results than every other 90 day training program.

Well, recently I sat down with famous radio DJ and former VH1 host Ian O’Malley as he grilled me about everything A-X.

athlean x vs p90xIn this interview we cover:

– Why workouts not only don’t have to be longer than 40 minutes but why they SHOULD NOT be (if you want the best results possible!)

– The most surprising thing I learned about how pro athletes train (and how I applied it in EXACTLY the same way in all of the ATHLEAN-X workouts)

– The definitive answer on whether you should be BULKING or CUTTING to get the most ripped muscle in the end

– The two MAJOR differences between ATHLEAN-X and P90X (and why you need to know these before considering which is right for you)

As I always say…

“If you want to LOOK like an ATHLETE You’ve got to TRAIN like an ATHLETE” Time to see exactly what I mean by that!

Meantime, enjoy the rest of your week!



PS. We always get a lot of questions about just what has made ATHLEAN-X the #1 choice of guys looking to get ripped new muscle while training like their favorite pro athletes. Now we answer them!