Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

By now…

You’ve likely heard about the “300” workout. It was the famous workout used by the cast of the movie 300 during training for the role.

But it wasn’t so tough on the abs.

So I fixed that!

Here’s the 300 Workout for Abs (Beginner and Advanced Versions)

I didn’t want anyone to miss out on this one.

So… I created both a beginner and advanced version of this!

Wage War on Your Abs With This Workout 

300-workout-for-abs-to-get-a-six-pack-ytThis is one you’re going to want to challenge your friends with. Who can get to 300 reps? Who’s going to get there quicker? This one hurts so good!



P.S. Tired of the same old boring workouts that have stopped working for you? Take your results to a whole new level by training with me for the next 90 days. I guarantee I’ll bust those plateaus of yours and get you looking better than ever!

“Jeff I’m with you for the next 90 days – Let’s do this!”
Click above if you’re ready for your best workouts ever

P.P.S. It’s the creativity and serious results that you see in this video that have made ATHLEAN-X what it is today. The #1 No B.S. source of training anywhere. Period. Spread the movement. Share this with a friend.