Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I’m “BACK” and ready to bring you a NEW video revealing what I feel is the BEST BACK EXERCISE YOU’RE PROBABLY NOT DOING!

Not only is this one that should make it’s way into your training if getting a wider (side to side) and thicker (front to back) back is at the top of your list….

best back exerciseBut I also include with it, 3 INSTANT INTENSIFIER techniques (that as always…are based in strength science) to meet YOUR specific strength level wherever that may be!

WHICH OF THESE 3 INTENSIFIERS CAN YOU DO? Now, whether or not this exercise has made it into your workout or not, the more important question you should be asking yourself is this.

VIQ: VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION =============================

*** Is Your Workout CHALLENGING You? ** Seriously. Think about that. Do the exercises in your current workout ONLY become more intense by adding more weight??

If so….you are missing out on a HUGE OPPORTUNITY to ignite new results! In fact, you’re missing more than 50% of what you can and should be getting from every workout.

If you want to truly build muscle you have to shock your body into a doing it. There’s a lot of detailed cellular level science that goes into this…but in layman’s terms you need to create a MUSCLE OVERLOAD.

Increasing weights is simply NOT ENOUGH to get the job done. You need to:

1. Introduce NEW exercises to catch your muscles off guard

2. Provide variations to these exercises to constantly make them challenging. I mean REALLY CHALLENGING, in order to force change

Both of these requirements are met in my ATHLEAN-X SystemI want to hear 90 days from now how much following it has helped you to break through plateaus!

So after a day of sitting back and watching the NFL Playoffs and some of the most elite, jacked and ripped athletes in the game today compete at the highest level… think about what got them there! Workouts that CHALLENGED them! Now I challenge you to be better and make a change with ATHLEAN-X



PS. The best part about training with exercises that are not only NEW to you, but that constantly change to meet your ability levels is that you can shock your muscles so much that you see changes in the first 1-2 weeks of training!

See Results in Even The First 1-2 Weeks (That’s Fast!) with ATHLEAN-X!