Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

The biggest mistake people make with stretching is…Doing the wrong kind of stretching at the wrong time. BUT…None of that matters if you don’t know HOW to stretch a particular muscle. See the HARDEST muscle to stretch (and how to do it here!) If you’ve ever felt “tight” in your middle or upper back OR You’ve developed “knots” up there that never seem to go away… This stretch is exactly what you need to do!

mid-back-stretch-rhomboids-ytWatch how I “reverse engineer” the muscle to help you nail this stretch. It’s an important step in making sure you get this right every single time! Meantime, if you’re like me and tend to get stiff in this area…

You’re going to find this video really hits the spot!



P.S. I show you 3 ways that people TRY to stretch this muscle (and get it wrong) in this video. Problem is, they are definitely the 3 most common ways!

P.P.S. Wish I could you through every aspect of your training right now? Think you could benefit from it? I KNOW you could. Let me coach you to your absolute best shape ever in the next 90 days. Time to start training like an athlete…

Click here to “train like an athlete” and get in insane shape (I’ll coach you!)