Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

I’ll admit it. I’ve done some STUPID exercises in my day!  Sissy Squats, Upright Rows, Good Mornings….

But none as stupid as this “Knee Crusher” that unfortunately I see being done by almost every person in the gym!

—— Are YOU Doing These? I hope not!

knee crusher leg exerciseBecoming a physical therapist completely changed my perspective on training and working out. It’s no longer good enough to just think that an exercise might help you build muscle.

Now, an exercise (and a whole workout for that matter) better keep your joints healthy enough to actually allow you to come back to the gym the next time!! After all….I’ve never seen anyone get in great shape while laid up in bed too sore to hit the gym!

===> Watch to see how AthLEAN-X makes sure that this happens ===========>

The simple truth is…. 95% of all people that started out on January 1, 2010 with a resolution to work out….have quit already. Most say they did so for two reasons…

1. Lack of results

2. Joint aches and pains made it impossible to continue

Come watch my latest video and I’ll show you how to kill these two birds with one stone!

In the meantime, stay healthy and…..

Stay Strong,


PS. If you fall into either one of these two categories above, then it’s time you start following a workout program that will deliver reliable results in 90 days AND make you feel better and not worse! Imagine what that would feel like? You don’t have to. Get started with AthLEAN-X today!