Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

As you know by now if you’ve been following along with the videos I put up here at ATHLEAN-X…the eccentric (negative motion or lowering portion) of the exercise is considered the most important part of the lift.

So important is it that many say the whole point of the concentric motion (the positive or lifting portion in most cases) is to set yourself up for the eccentric motion!

shoulder overload exerciseThe best part is, unlike max bench presses or 800lb squats, this technique will allow you to get maximum muscle growth while putting you at limited risk of injury. What’s even better (and you should have seen this coming) is that if you combine this technique with an explosive compound movement you get the ultimate workout trifecta!

Your benefits:

  • Athleticism that comes with moving multiple muscle groups together and explosively
  • Accelerated muscle building by focusing on the eccentric motion of the lift
  • Since we’re using a compound movement you’re also going to get your heart rate up and burn more fat than you would doing a round of boring cardio.



 Put all those elements together and now you’re training like an Athlete. That said…why stop at shoulders?!?

Want more exercises like this with the exact sets and rep schedule along with an award winning meal plan to etch in the definition you’re going to need to show off all the muscle you’re building? Get them all in your ATHLEAN-X Training System

You know I say this all the time… but that’s because it’s true. If you want to look like an athlete… you’ve got to start training like one!

Get the entire program here at ATHLEAN-X!



P.S. Remember when you’re watching this MUSCLE BUILDING SHOULDER Exercise and technique…there is one catch!! That is sometimes it’s impossible to put yourself in the proper position to perform the eccentric part of the exercise…

Then again (as this week’s video shows you)…with the right programming and instruction, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

To get 12 weeks of the same step by step video instruction used by my elite athletes get the ATHLEAN-X VIDEO TRAINING PROGRAM!