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You guys have asked for more of the fast paced, fat shredding, heart pounding, super intense workouts like the Iron Man Workout and the “4 Minutes of Hell” Workouts! Well…let the hookup begin!


expendables workout


In paying homage to the guys who helped to inspire me to get in shape so many years ago and to do what I do for a living now….I recently headed out to the field with nothing but a pair of sneakers and a kettlebell.  Yes…old school indeed.

But what else would you expect when you realize that the last time these guys (for the most part) were starring in their own action blockbusters was almost 20 years ago or more! Now THAT’s what I call longevity!

So with that…let’s ramp up the intensity and get set for the AthLEAN Expendables Workout! You might be calling this one a “Man-Maker” after you try it and complete it!  Yes…I fully expect you to complete it!

Stay Strong,


PS.  Are you still thinking that you’re just too old for AthLEAN-X?!?  Hopefully, if nothing else, the Expendables movie lays those thoughts to rest permanently.  Stallone at the age of 62 is still jacked!  Stone Cold, Lundgren, Li, Statham, the list goes on and on.  Not ready for AARP!

Nope, instead they’re representing ATHLEAN!  Stop sitting on the sidelines….JOIN THEM and JOIN THE OTHERS who’ve become members of TEAM ATHLEAN already!