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Happy Friday, Ladies!

I bet you’re looking forward to getting out of work today and perhaps heading out on the town later. But did you get your workout in? What’s that? Not much time this evening?  Try our FAST, DO ANYWHERE Awesome Abs Workout!

awesomeAbsThat’s the best part about Athlean-XX for Women. We designed it to be the total excuse buster!

– Short workouts – just 30 min!

– Workout at home or at the gym!

– Quickies for when you’re really short on time!

Athlean-XX just fits into your lifestyle!



P.S. 30 minutes doesn’t sound like enough? Well, with Athlean-XX it is! That’s because with our workouts you’re getting strength training and cardio at the same time!

Join us on Team Athlean today and save 35% off with our all-digital version when you choose single-pay at checkout!