Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

Every time I step in front of a camera… I have one goal. To get you the best information I can and improve your training.

That said… I’m a strength coach and a physical therapist that teaches with passion.

Good actor in front of the camera? Ehhh, not so much!

Here’s some video proof of that (MY SCREW UPS!)

athlean-x-blooper-reel-ytMy film crew couldn’t wait to put this one together for me! Geez, with friends like this who needs enemies?!? But it’s all good! Reminds me of a quote my grandmother used to tell me: “More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams.” So true. So true. Enjoy a good laugh at my expense here!



P.S. You’ll see glimpses of footage from AX-1, AX-2, NXT and more. Even getting some ribbing from a few of the athletes I train (and use the same exact program you can get access to) Pick your ATHLEAN-X workout program here (let’s do this together!)