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Last week’s video concerning supplementation caused quite the controversy! This week, I figured why not take on the critics head on! THE GREAT SUPPLEMENT DEBATE (Whole Food vs. Supplements)

Using science to silence the cynics (try saying that one three times fast!) I do my best to put a clear an end to this age old debate as I can….

food vs supplement debateYou know…supplements have always been a touchy and polarizing topic. Some feel we can’t live without them and others feel they are a complete waste of time and nothing that good nutrition can’t provide!

What’s the truth? Well I’ll have to rely on an old coaching analogy that I used often and that is…”If you want to PLAY darts, you just have to be able to hit the board. If you want to be able to WIN at darts…then you have to be able to hit the center!”

Take an ingredient like creatine for example. No doubt, Creatine has been proven incredibly effective in adding lean muscle mass. So effective in fact that there is almost no knowledgeable person on the planet who would even attempt to mount an argument against its ability to add fat free gains. That said…Creatine DOES exist in food. In highest amounts in beef actually.

Watch the video TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH STEAK YOU NEED TO EAT EACH DAY To Get The Benefits of Creatine! You may be surprised!



PS. Looking for the ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements? Get everything your body needs in just three steps HERE