Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Probably the most interesting question I get almost every day is….”Jeff, if you PERSONALLY could take just one supplement…what would it be and why?”

While it may seem that the options are many when you consider the proven benefits of creatine, glutamine, high quality whey protein, BCAA’s, etc….To me they all place behind…ONE…watch the video to find out!

high grade omega 3sIf the muscle recovery and metabolism boosting benefits of this one weren’t enough…The thousands of medical studies supporting it’s use as an overall health booster make it an even more certain #1 answer for me.

See How You Can Slash Your Workout Recovery Time in Half (allowing faster muscle growth) WITH THIS SUPPLEMENT

Finally, the clincher of it all is that unlike creatine, protein, glutamine, and others….This supplement CANNOT BE MADE by the body or gotten easily in sufficient amounts to realize its benefits!

As a matter of fact…84% of people are CHRONICALLY DEFICIENT in this and not only do their workouts suffer because of it…but so does their results and their health. That’s enough for me to deem it my #1 choice!

==> Watch as I Break Down Everything You Need To Know About This Supplement …even the specific brand that I take!

***** NOTE: As always, not only have I made a commitment with AthLEAN-X to give you the same training program that I’ve used to build my physique but I also pledged to do the same with my supplements.

See the brand of this supplement that I personally take (and have for the last 20 years!) and then come back here to get the SAME ONE BY CLICKING HERE! ******

Not only that, but I’ve reserved some package discounts to my most loyal TEAM ATHLEAN members! You can get up to 2 free bottles as AthLEAN-X customers!

How could I arrange this hookup for you? Watch the video and you’ll see. Let’s just say, I know the owner!

Back in the gym tomorrow with another new video for you….keepin busy!

Til then,

Stay Strong….


PS. Remember, when you combine my answer to the “If you could only take 1 supplement” question with a a step by step elite training program like AthLEAN-X the results are limitless!

PPS. Still not sure what it’s like to actually follow a workout program that balances training and recovery perfectly to produce a steady growth of 100% lean muscle? End “overtraining burnout” now and get your AthLEAN physique in just 90 days. No setbacks, no plateaus…just results!