I hate to say it but it’s true… I’m sick and tired. Literally. Been battling an upper respiratory illness that made my throat feel like someone was scraping a cheese grater on it!
But, was it enough to keep me from working out?
This leads to actually two of the most common questions I get.
1. “Should I workout if I’m sick?”
2. “Is it counterproductive to my gains?”
See the answer to both questions here
If you’re used to watching my videos… I may not sound so familiar in this one.
Can you say “Barry White”?
Haha, you’ll see what I mean.
I figured, why not take the opportunity to cover this while it seemed most appropriate!
P.S. If you got my email earlier, the release of ATHLEAN-X Special TactiX is set for tomorrow at 12:00 EST. I’ll send out an email letting you know when you can get it.