Estimated Read Time: 1 minute

OK…I admit it. I’m a product of the 80’s. Born in 1975, I grew up watching and idolizing the physiques of guys like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold.

But even long after those stars faded there was one thing that I still had yet to master……. The ONE ARM PUSHUP!

Damn that Rocky!

one arm pushupEvery time I’d watch that movie and it came to the part where he’d crank out what seemed like hundreds of them in the vintage training scene for his fight I’d think… “Man, I really need to build up my strength to be able to do those”

Well…finally, with the very principles I was teaching in my AthLEAN-X Training System (although admittedly only about 15 years later than I thought I’d be able to do them!) I can now do them.

And I’m going to show you how in this video!

Not only have I seen big increases in my overall upper body strength, but I’ve seen big differences in chest size as well! Guess it was worth the wait. Don’t wait as long as I did. Come watch my new video now!

Stay Strong,
