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If you’re at all active (which you should be if you’re reading this!) You’ve likely reached for a sports drink to quench your thirst. Maybe even during a workout. UH-OH! Could be a BIG mistake. Depending on what you were drinking. See why in this new Sports Drink Exposé!

Sports-Drink-Disaster-Sugar-ytI always say…Put crap in, you’ll get crap out. Problem is…what if you think what you’re putting in is actually good for you?!?  Sneaky Sports Drink Tactic (DON’T BE FOOLED!) See if yours does this!

What makes this even worse (if that’s possible)…Is that the same slimy tactics are being used in lots of your muscle building supplements too! Time to end the charades.

Get what you pay for and what you expect in your supplements => ATHLEAN-RX

Meantime, might be time to check the side of that bottle of sports drink before taking another sip!



P.S. Hint: If your supplements taste like candy or a milkshake you’d get at Denny’s, guess what? It’s likely not nutritionally that much different! Time to look at your supplements a little closer.

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